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Choosing A Final Outfit

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

As you go through the details with funeral homes in Des Moines, IA, they are going to have a list of decisions for you to make. The funeral director is not going to make choices for you, but they will support whatever you decide. They will also give you all of the information you need to make the right decisions. And they will act as advisors and give you ideas and options whenever you need them. When the time comes to decide what your loved one will wear to their final service, here are some options to consider as you choose that special outfit.

Have Them Wear A Favorite

Your loved one, like the rest of us, might have had a favorite go-to outfit that they wore every chance they got. It’s what you picture them in when you think of them. It’s in many of the family pictures. It’s simply their style. That might be the perfect thing for them to wear when they have their final service. They will look just how people remember them. However, keep in mind that whatever you choose for their funeral and burial is something you can’t get back. If that favorite outfit is something you want to hold onto, you might want to consider another option.

Dress Them To The Nines

There are many people who like to dress their best for every occasion. If your loved one liked to match their clothing from head to toe, even when they were going to play tennis with a friend, then you know dressing them to the nines is the best option available to you. Choose an outfit that they would appreciate and make sure it’s stylish and perfect for this special occasion.

Give Them Comfort

Other people don’t like dressing up, but rather prefer to be comfortable in whatever they wear. You might place them in jeans, a track suit, or even pajamas. You want them to be comfortable, even if that idea sounds somewhat silly. If that is what their personality dictates and that is what you feel they would choose for themselves, then there’s nothing wrong with going that direction.

Make Them Look Like Themselves

Above everything, you want your loved one to look like themselves. They had a certain style and you want to go along with that, whether that means dressing up, being casual, or something in between. You can also have them wear certain accessories that they often wore so people recognize them. If they wore glasses, for example, they can have those on at the funeral. They can also wear their wedding ring and other such things. These items can be removed and returned to you before the burial, if you so choose.

Consider Appearances For The Event Ahead

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

Keep in mind that your loved one is likely going to show at their visitation and funeral. You want to dress them in something that is appropriate for the event ahead of you. The professionals at funeral homes in Des Moines, IA can help with advice.

Reasons For Cemetery Burials, Even After Cremation

funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA

If you decide to have traditional services with funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA, your loved one is going to be buried in a cemetery and that’s the only resting place option. With cremation, there are many other options to consider, but cremated remains can still be buried in the cemetery. Here are a few reasons you might decide that is the way to go for your situation.

To Keep Your Loved One Safe

When you bury your loved one in the cemetery, you know just where their remains are and you also know they are safe. Nothing is going to happen to their remains and you understand they are secure where they are resting. When you scatter ashes, you don’t know where they end up. If you bury them in your garden, you might be worried about something digging them up or other things that can happen. The cemetery will keep your loved one safe and secure long-term.

To Give Family A Visiting Place

It can be hard for some families to scatter a loved one and then feel as if they don’t have anywhere to visit them at that person is not really in that location any longer. When you place them in a cemetery instead, your loved ones have somewhere to go when they want to think about that person and visit with them again. It’s a nice location to honor them whenever the mood hits.

To Have A Permanent Memorial

You can erect a permanent memorial for your cremated loved one anywhere you want after their services and once they are in their resting place, wherever that may be. It’s not required to have a permanent memorial, however, and many families don’t go through with that idea. When you have a cemetery burial, they are going to have a permanent memorial in that location, whether you do something else for them in another spot or not. They will have a headstone that marks their grave and acts as a permanent memorial.

To Allow Future Generations That History

funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA

In the future, you might have other family members who want to visit your loved one and know where they are resting. Burying them in the cemetery is a permanent option and their headstone and grave will always be there. You can visit it when you want to and future generations can visit it as well and that history will be there for them to see.

If you want to have a loved one cremated with funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA, that’s an honorable, respectful way to go. Once the cremation is complete, you have no timeline on any other decisions. You can move forward with a memorial and resting place right away, or sometime in the future. Burial within a cemetery is still a valid option, and one you will want to consider with great care. Go over the other choices and see what fits your loved one and your family the best.

Common Reasons To Pre-Plan With Funeral Homes

Funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

More people are planning their final services ahead of time today than ever before. Funeral homes in Des Moines, IA are there to give you the information you want in order to think things through and decide what you might want to line up for your own future. There’s no right or wrong reason to move ahead with final service plans. You just have to go ahead when you feel ready. But these are some of the common reasons that people state.

Express Your Wishes

Many people want to plan their final services ahead of time so they can express their final wishes and let their families know what they want. If you know what you want, that’s all the more reason to make those plans ahead of time. Even if you aren’t sure what you want, you have time on your hands and you might want to think about what you would appreciate so you can make those wishes known to your family.

Save Money

This is something that not a lot of people know, but you can actually save quite a bit of money by planning your services ahead of time. When you plan the services now, you have the option of paying for those services ahead, too. While that’s not required, a lot of people like to go in that direction. Not only do they know their family doesn’t have to worry about the costs, but they also recognize that they are paying today’s prices, which are lower than whatever the prices are going to be in the future.

Reduce Burdens On Family

It’s always hard to lose someone you love and when you lose a family member, you know planning their services while grieving can be really hard to do. You can save your family from that extra burden by making the plans ahead yourself. Your family only has to call the funeral home you have used to make the plans and your plans take action. They don’t have to make plans and guess what you would have wanted.

Give A Final Gift

Funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

When you leave your family, you might like the idea of leaving them with one final gift. That gift can be as simple as having your final service plans laid out for them. It truly can feel like a gift. All they want to do is whatever you would have wanted. When you have the services planned, they know what you wanted and they don’t even have to plan anything for you. Things are ready to go and much easier on them overall.

When you are thinking of planning your own final services ahead with funeral homes in Des Moines, IA, it can be hard to make decisions, but there are many reasons why it can feel right to move forward. Contact the professionals when you need more information and see what details sound right to you. Since you have time on your hand, there’s no pressure to move forward until you are completely ready.

Other Options For Funeral Home Gifts Other Than Flowers

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

The most common gift that people send to funeral homes in Urbandale, IA for any final service is a flower arrangement. Flowers are always a nice gift and they are very thoughtful and meaningful. However, flowers wilt away and you might want your family to have gifts that will last longer. There are lots of other options to consider and if you are the one arranging the service, you can request certain things in lieu of flowers, if you have other ideas. Here are some of the many options you can consider.

Gifts To Charity

While flowers are nice, they are costly and they die away. Gifts to charity, however, can keep on giving and can be a great honor to your loved one and to your whole family. You might ask people to, instead of sending flowers, donate funds to a certain charity. Perhaps there was a charity that your loved one always donated to and you know they would appreciate others doing the same. Or maybe you choose a charity that pertains to an illness your loved one had to further research in that area. There are lots of good options. You could even leave it open-ended and ask people to donate to their own favorite charities in your loved one’s honor.

Items For Non-Profits

It might be a nice gesture, and an honor to your loved one, to collect items for a non-profit organization. If your loved one adored the fact that a local hospital gives teddy bears to sick children, have everyone bring a new bear so you can donate in bulk to that program. Try to do something that lines up with what your loved one would appreciate and when you donate to a non-profit in that way, you can’t go wrong.

Final Services Funding

Funeral services can cost a lot and even if you have cremation and a memorial, the basics might be beyond your cost reach. Ask people to donate funds to the family in order for them to be used to cover final services. People are often honored to help meet your loved one’s needs. If they know you need funds for the final services, they will likely be most generous. We all know how important it is to find the right gift for someone who has passed away. Flowers may be beautiful, but they don’t always fit what people need or want when dealing with their final arrangements; this can make sending flowers seem like an unacceptably insufficient gesture in some circumstances That’s why we offer our services of finding appropriate gifts from pre-owned furniture items such as tables and chairs – which will never have been used by anyone before! This way you’ll get maximum value out your funeral budget without compromising on quality.

Volunteer Time

Time is a precious commodity today and perhaps you would prefer for your friends to donate time instead of anything monetary or tangible. Suggest a certain non-profit in the area that takes volunteers or ask everyone to volunteer wherever they choose in your loved one’s hours. That kind of ‘donation’ can be just as precious and sometimes even more needed than offering funds and other donations.

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

When you have to work with funeral homes in Urbandale, IA on a loved one’s final services, you get to decide upon every detail. One thing you might consider is asking for something else outside of flowers as a gift to honor your loved one and support your family.  For someone who has everything, it is always important to show your love and respect for others. That’s why flowers are the perfect gift – they’re inexpensive yet meaningful! Funeral services can be very touching as well so make sure you attend if there’s a person in need of support or guidance during this difficult time. The professionals can talk through the options with you until you figure out what’s just right for you.