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Pros And Cons Of Full Cremation Services

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

The cremation process is the same every time, but the timing of it can be different. You might want to have direct cremation services in Des Moines, IA, for example, and that happens soon after a person dies without any services beforehand. On the other hand, full cremation allows you to have a visitation and funeral service before the cremation takes place. Both will meet needs and both are honorable options. Here are some pros and cons of the full cremation process.

Pro: Gives Traditional Aspects

Full cremation allows you to go through with the cremation process, but it also gives your family some traditional aspects, which they might appreciate. You can have a visitation service first and get the closure you need before moving ahead with the funeral. Funerals have a lot of ceremonies involved and they can be very cathartic. You get the traditions you might want or your family might expect and then, you can go through with the cremation process. In a way, you get the best of both worlds.

Con: More Expensive Option

Cremation costs less than funerals and burial services, but the full cremation process is going to cost more than direct cremation. There are more services involved, like the visitation and funeral, and those are going to have costs attached to them. If you have a budget for it, it’s a great way to honor someone.

Pro: Costs Less Than Funeral/Burial

While full cremation costs more than a direct cremation, it costs much less than a full funeral and burial service. You do get some of the same services, but you need less than you would for a complete burial service, which will help you to keep the budget on track, perhaps.

Con: Services Have To Be Fast

Some people like direct cremation because it lets you put things off where the memorial services are concerned. That’s not the case with a full cremation. With full cremation, you have to have the visitation and funeral soon after the loved one’s death so the cremation can proceed within a few days. There’s a timeline on the cremation, which puts a little pressure on the rest of the services.

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

If you are considering either full or direct cremation services in Des Moines, IA, it’s a good idea to take into account the pros and cons of each. Take a look at your budget and try and decide what you might like to do for your loved one. What does your family want? What do you feel you need to get closure and move forward? The professionals can walk you through the options and answer any questions you have. There are packages for each kind of cremation and you can consider which you can afford, which you like the look and feel of, and what you want to do in order to move forward. One of the best things about the options is that there’s no wrong answer. Both are honorable and respectful of your deceased loved one.

Pros And Cons Of Direct Cremation Services

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

If you are thinking about using direct cremation services in West Des Moines, IA for a loved one, or even for your own pre-plans, it’s wise to learn all of the details. You might want to consider the pros and cons of the option, for example, and see which side wins. There’s no right or wrong reason to choose cremation, or even direct cremation, over other options. But here are some of the sides for and against the direct form of cremation to help you with the choice.

Pro: Low-Cost Option

Cremation overall is a much more cost-effective method than a funeral and burial service. Direct cremation, for example, is the most cost-effective. It’s the lowest cost option you can get when it comes to final services. If budget is of any concern, direct cremation can help you to accomplish meeting your loved one’s needs at a price you can afford. There’s nothing wrong with going for cremation just because you have a budget to stick to. It will still be an honorable choice.

Con: No Chance To Say Goodbye In Person

Some families might feel like with direct cremation happening soon after death, they didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to their loved one in the way they would have liked. There are no services before cremation happens since it is direct. That means no funeral and no visitation. Families might have the chance to witness the cremation, but the community as a whole won’t see your loved one to say that goodbye.

Pro: Allows Tons Of Options Later

Many people choose cremation in its direct form because of all of the options it brings to the table. It can free families up and allow them to have an option they might want after the cremation process is done. For example, it takes away the timeline pressures so families can have memorial services whenever they feel ready to move forward with plans. It also opens up final resting place options as people can scatter, bury, or even keep ashes.

Con: Might Feel Too Fast

Direct cremation does happen fast—within a few days of a person’s death. It needs to be something you are sure about before you sign on for it. Cremation of any kind is a permanent process that cannot be reversed. Your loved one has needs that have to be met and direct cremation can meet them, but it will be soon after their death.

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

When you are thinking about different kinds of cremation services in West Des Moines, IA, there are reasons to go with full cremation and reasons to go with direct cremation. Both are honorable and respectful, you just need to figure out what works best for your family and what your loved one might have appreciated the most. Talk to the professionals, go over the packages, and see what feels like the best fit for everyone involved. They are there to answer any questions you have.

Handling Sudden Loss With Cremation Services

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

Losing a loved one is never going to be easy, but when someone passes away in a sudden manner and you are shocked by the death, it can be hard to figure out what you need to do and how you are going to move forward. One thing you might consider for your loved one is cremation services in Urbandale, IA. Those services allow you to care for your loved one while you process the death. Here are some good points about that process.

Care For Your Loved One In A Quick Manner

When your loved one dies, even if it was sudden and shocks you, they still need final services. You may need to process your feelings and emotions, and that’s perfectly understandable. By using cremation, you are able to care for your loved one in a streamlined, quick manner. Once their needs are met, you can slow down with other aspects of the process and take your time.

Put Off Services Until You Are More Ready

Cremation allows you to care for your loved one up front but also lets you put other services on your own timeline. It’s nice to know that your loved one has what they need, but once the cremation is behind you, you can have a memorial service for your loved one whenever you want. Let your feelings settle in and come to terms with things before you jump into making those plans. It can help you to plan something special and give your family a chance to come together at a certain time.

Spend Time With Family Instead Of Planning

It is hard to deal with sudden death, and you have to make final service plans. Cremation is simple, and all you have to do is get a package for your loved ones that will cover everything they have to have. Funerals include a lot more decisions and a lot more planning. When you choose cremation, your loved one’s needs are met, and you can spend time with family instead of working on hard plans.

Take Good Care Of Yourself

You might be thinking more about what your loved one needs and tending to your family at the same time instead of worrying about yourself. However, when you are grieving and hit hard with news like this, you are going to want to care for yourself as best you can. You will be of more use to your family, and the emotions will feel that much more manageable when you eat right, sleep well, and exercise as normal.

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

Enlist Professional Support

Dealing with the death of a family member at any time is going to be hard. But if the death is sudden, you might want professionals to help you weed through your emotions. The funeral home helping you with cremation services in Urbandale, IA can give you grief counselor options as well as support group information so you can get the support you need to move forward in the right direction.

The Cremation Urn—Your Loved One’s Final Resting Place

Cremation services in Des Moines, IA

When a loved one passes away, you are going to want to figure out what final services you want for them. Cremation services in Des Moines, IA are certainly a viable option. They are honorable and respectful and used in about half of today’s cases. When you choose a cremation package, it will include everything your loved one has to have, all the way through a simple container. The container works fine to hold your loved one’s cremated remains, but it is littler more than a cardboard box. If you’d like something different, or perhaps something more personalized, choosing an urn can be a nice fit. Here are some things to consider

How Much Of The Budget Can You Afford To Use?

You are going to want to have a budget for your loved one’s final service as a whole. Much of that money will probably go into the cremation package you choose for them. But you will want to figure out how much of the budget you have available to put toward the urn. That purchase is going to be very important as it acts as a part of your loved one’s final resting place. It is also something that might show at a memorial service, so you want it to be nice.

What Purposes Do You Have In Mind?

Any urn is going to hold your loved one’s remains and contain them for you, but not every urn will serve every purpose you might have in mind. If you want an urn that will hold up well against the test of time because you plan to display it in a place of honor in your home, certain materials are going to be better than others. If, on the other hand, you plan to place the urn in the water for water burial, you want something that dissolves so the ashes distribute and you don’t harm the ecosystem. There are lots of different purposes and functions that urns can serve.

What Was Your Loved One’s Style Like?

Your loved one had a distinct style and when you look at their urn, you want to be able to think about them, not only because you know they are inside, but also because you feel the urn is something they would have liked. Think about their style as you look through the options so you can get something they would appreciate.

What Size Do You Need?

Urns come in a lot of different sizes. It’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all deal. You need to know what size your loved one needs, and that is calculated based on height and weight. The professionals can help you figure out what size you need and direct you toward the right options for you. As long as you get something that size, or larger, you are on the right track.

Cremation services in Des Moines, IA

Your loved one’s cremation services in Des Moines, IA are important to you and your family members and the right urn can make things feel just right for that special person.

Helping The Bereaved With A Sympathy Gift

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

There’s nothing easy about someone passing on and leaving their family behind. When you know someone going through that, they might have cremation services in West Des Moines, IA for their loved one and you want to do what you can to support them through the grieving process. While nothing you say or do can bring their loved ones back, sending a sympathy gift can remind them that you are there for them and that you care. That, in itself, can help them to move forward, even in a small way. Here are a few things you might consider sending:

Gift Cards To Various Places

Gift cards are easy to get and simple to send, and they can be helpful to your friend and meaningful at the same time. You can send a card to a restaurant they enjoy so they can get fresh food whenever they need it. You could send a gift card to an area spa for a massage when they need to relax. You can also send them cards to help them treat themselves, like to a bookstore, a candle shop, or something else. The gift cards are thoughtful and they can help your friend get something for themselves whenever they have the time and can get out.

A Grief Journal For Venting Emotions

Some people enjoy journaling and when they are grieving, writing in a journal can really help the process along. They can write down what they are feeling, write memories of their loved one, or even write a letter of goodbye to that special person. They can look back on their entries later and perhaps see their progress in the grieving process.

A Weighted Blanket For Easy Hugs

Sleeping is sometimes a challenge when you are grieving and it can be hard to rest the mind. You might consider sending your friend a weighted blanket so they can cozy under it and perhaps feel like they are getting a hug, either from you or the loved one they lost. Weighted blankets can help them sleep better and get a little comfort at the same time.

Sentimental Jewelry

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

Jewelry can be a very meaningful gift and there are plenty of things you might send to your friend to memorialize their loved one and remind them of your friendship. You could send a locket, for example, so they can put a picture of their loved one inside it. An angel charm with their loved one’s birthstone on it that they can hang on a bracelet is also a nice idea. You know what your friend would like and the funeral home professionals can offer you ideas at the same time.

When you hear that a friend is going through a hard time around cremation services in West Des Moines, IA they are having for a loved one who died, the professionals will care for their needs, but you will want to support them as much as you can as well. Sending a sympathy gift is a nice thing to do.

The Importance Of A Will With Cremation Services

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

Paperwork is a part of life that not many people enjoy, but there are certain items that are highly important, like a last will and testament. Not everyone has a will in place, but once you reach adulthood, get married, have a family, and start a life, it’s important to get something written up. Eventually, you will pass on, have a funeral, or go through cremation services in Urbandale, IA, and having that will in place will help your family to navigate what comes next. Here are a few reasons that document is so important.

Allow Your Wishes For Your Assets To Be Met

Everyone has things they will leave behind, whether it’s a house, a bank account, certain possessions, or other such things. When you think about it, you want certain people to get those things. You may want your home to go to a certain family member while others get the money in your bank account and so on. Some possessions will be left up to them to divide and decide, but especially important things, like perhaps your wedding ring or another precious item, you want someone specific to have. When you have a will in place, you can get your wishes met once you are gone.

Protect Kids

You spent your life from the moment you had kids protecting them in every way possible. When you pass on, you are no longer present to protect them. However, when you leave a will behind, you can still do your best to protect them. You can designate who will care for them when you are gone and you can leave a trust and funds behind for their care. You can do your best to protect them in every way possible.

Avoid Court Costs

If you don’t take the time to write up a will, your estate will be in question and it could end up in the courts. Money from your estate will be used to figure out who gets what and that can be very trying for your family. Plus, there’s less left behind for them, too. When you have a will, what you want happens and you don’t have to worry about things getting stuck in the court systems.

Appoint Someone To Take On Distribution

You likely have someone in your life that you trust to handle thing. You can appoint them to be in charge of your estate when the time comes. They will distribute the things you wanted each person to have and make sure your wishes are followed.

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

Plan Final Services

In addition to a will, you might want to have a final service plan for yourself. You can plan your cremation services in Urbandale, IA in the future and when you pass on, all your family has to do is call the funeral home that holds the plans and whatever you wanted will take action. It’s another way to protect your family and set them free from burdens in the future upont your death.

Memorials And Cremation Go Hand In Hand With Grief

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

When you think of cremation services in Des Moines, IA, you might think of something direct that happens soon after death. The person going through cremation doesn’t have any services before the cremation occurs. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have something after the cremation for a loved one who is going through the process. In fact, memorial services more often than not follow a cremation service at some point. There’s no timeline on the process, but it can help to have a memorial process in order to move forward with grief. Here are a few reasons why.

Get And Give Closure

You and the rest of your family members are going to need closure in order to move forward with the grieving process. You might get that closure, and allow your family members to get it as well, through the memorial service process. You can recognize that your loved one is gone and is not coming back. That can be huge in moving your grief forward.

Saying Goodbye

Many people feel the need to say goodbye in order to move on with their life and to get past the initial grieving process. Saying those words out loud might help. Other people can say them in their heart as a part of the memorial service process. That service can allow you and your family to get that final goodbye in as you move into a new normal for your life.

Access Family Support

Your family might not come together very often, but when someone passes on, they will gather together in order to honor that person if you have a memorial service. You get the support you need from your family and from other friends. They also get what they need from you. Gathering your family together can mean a lot to you during this hard time. Your loved one is missing, but you still have a lot of people there who care about you.

Send Your Loved One Off With Honor

One reason some families go through the memorial service process is simply to give their loved one a nice send-off. You might feel like you want your loved one to get a certain level of honor at the end of their life, and that’s a nice reason to go forward with a memorial service. You can even have a life celebration, which can help you to go over the good times and celebrate a life well-lived. The memorial service can be all about your loved one and giving them the respect they deserve during this final time of their life.

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

When you have cremation services in Des Moines, IA for a loved one who passed on, a memorial service may follow shortly after or sometime in the future. While you don’t have to have a memorial in order to have a cremation, those two things often go hand in hand to help your family grieve in the proper manner and to honor your loved one.

Putting A Cremation Service Care Package Together

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

If you have lost a loved one, you know how hard the process is to go through. While you also know that there’s nothing you can say or do to take away a grieving friend’s pain, you still want to support them however you can around their loved one’s cremation services in West Des Moines, IA. You can attend the services, send flowers, put some money in a card, or even put together a cremation service care package. If you want to put together a package, here are some options to consider.

Snack Items

You want your friend to nourish themselves during this hard time and they might not be getting the meals they need at the right times. Include some snacks you know they enjoy that are healthy and filling. Perhaps some protein bars or trail mixes that they can easily grab and snack on between things. You can also put a few sweets in there to give them a treat that can help you to remind them that you know them well and know what they like.

Relaxing Options

Your friend might be stressed out during this hard time. Their plans can be overwhelming and they need to take time out to relax when they are able. Put in some bubble bath, lotion, a good book, a candle, and some other things that might help them to relax. Those items can help them to remember that self-care is important during this hard time.

Favorite Colors

If your friend has a favorite color, you might want to incorporate items in that color to show them that you care and are thinking of them. You know them well and it’s time for that knowledge to show off a bit. Put in a baby blue blanket, a card with blue colorings, or other items that feature their favorite colors. It will remind them that they have people out there who care enough about them to pay attention to even the little things.

Gifts For Later

While your friend is likely trying to concentrate on their family and the person who needs the cremation services right now, you might want to include things like gift cards for places they enjoy that they can use later. You know they like a certain restaurant or coffee shop and gift cards to those locations can give them something to look forward to as they heal and move forward with their life in their own way.

Memories To Make Them Smile

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

Did you see a certain movie together for the first time? Include a DVD of that film to make them smile. Place a picture of you with your friend in the basket, too, to remind them how many people they have standing behind them and supporting them through this hard time. Those memories can help them to smile and to move forward.

Cremation services in West Des Moines, IA are hard to get through, but your friend has your support and the cremation care package will remind them of that.

The Needs That Go Along With Cremation Services

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

One of the things that you will be concerned with the most when a loved one passes on is their needs. They can no longer care for themselves and you want to ensure that their needs are met. If you choose cremation services in Urbandale, IA, here are the things your loved one is going to need as a part of the process.

Transportation To The Cremation Facility

Once you learn that your loved one has died, you are going to have to contact a funeral home and ask for their help. The first thing they are going to need is transportation to the cremation facility. The professionals, once you hire them, will take care of that transport without any further involvement from you. They will contact the people holding your loved one, perhaps the hospital or nursing home, and coordinate things so you don’t have to worry about your loved one’s transport, or the care they will get in the meantime.

Interim Care

It can take you a little time to figure out what you want to do for your loved one. Even if you know what you want, you will have to get the paperwork in order, copies of the death certificate, and so on. While those things come together, your loved one is going to need care from professionals who know how to treat the deceased. When you hire a reputable funeral home, you know they are going to get what they need in the interim.

The Cremation Process

After you get the death certificate, sign the cremation consent forms, and prepare your family for what is going to happen, the cremation process can proceed. This is the biggest need your loved one has after their death—the need for a final disposition method. The process is honorable and respectful and can take place a few days after your loved one’s death. If you go with direct cremation, no services will take place before the cremation, but you can do something for them afterward if you want.

An Urn Of Some Kind

Once your loved one’s remains are cremated, they are going to need a container of some kind for their ashes. No matter what cremation package you choose for them, even if it’s simple and straightforward, it will come with a simple container for remains. You can also choose an urn of any kind if you so choose. The funeral home has options, but you can also look at outside vendors as options.

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

When you consider cremation services in Urbandale, IA for a loved one who has passed on, you know they have needs and those services will meet those needs, but you might wonder what the needs are. The professionals at Iles Funeral Home are here to help you understand and meet those needs so your loved one can get what they deserve. You want to honor your loved one and we will follow whatever plans you want to put into place for them in a respectful manner.

A Pre-Planning Guide For Cremation Services

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

Planning final services for a family member who needs those things right away and planning cremation services in Des Moines, IA for yourself are two different things. While you may have planned final services in the past, or perhaps you haven’t, planning things for yourself are different. It’s nice to have a guide in place so you can make the plans you need to make and have peace of mind that things are ready. Here are some steps to take:

-Choose The Cremation Provider

If cremation services are what you want, you will have to choose a cremation provider to work with you on those final plans. Since you have time on your side, you can research providers and that can help you to feel like you have the right fit when you decide to move forward. Look at their websites, read reviews, and make some calls to have confidence in what you choose.

-Look At Packages

Cremation providers are going to have cremation packages available for you to look over, and that can really help you with the initial decisions. These packages include everything you have to have for the process. Since they are all-inclusive, you can get a package and that’s all you need. Some packages are simple and basic while others have more to them. Think about what you need, and also what you want for your loved ones when that future becomes reality.

-Look Over Additional Options

After you choose a cremation package, you will want to look over and consider the other things that you can add onto that package, if you choose to do so. Think about adding an urn, for example, instead of the simple container the cremation provider will give your family. You can also plan a memorial service, dictate the final resting place, and anything else you want them to do for you when that time comes.

-Consider Pre-Payment

Those who like to plan their own final services ahead of time often also like to pay for those services at that time, and that can be a huge thing for your family as well. When you pass on, well into the future with any luck, your loved ones don’t have to make any plans. They also know just what you want and they don’t have to guess about it. They also don’t have to worry about paying for those plans because you have already done that as well. Paying now relieves them of that burden, but it also saves you money. You get to pay today’s prices and the services will never cost more, even if prices skyrocket in the future when you actually use the plans.

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

-Inform Your Family

As you make plans for your own cremation services in Des Moines, IA, or once the plans are in place, you might want to let your family in on what you are planning. They need to know that Iles Funeral Home holds the plans. And knowing what your plans are can help them to prepare for the future as well.