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Making Funeral Home Pre-Plans With A Loved One

funeral homes in Urbandale, IA

If you have ever thought about making your own final service plans, you understand the mindset your loved one has when they say they want to contact funeral homes in Urbandale, IA to make their own final plans. There are things you can do to help them along the way so they get the peace of mind they deserve while taking burdens from your family when their time to die comes.

Recommend Funeral Homes

If you have already made your own final service plans, you might want to recommend the funeral home you used to your loved one if you appreciated the job they did with you. If you haven’t made plans, you may know someone who has and you can ask them about the professionals they used. Getting recommendations from someone you trust that you can pass along to your family member can help them to get what they need in an easier manner. You can also research funeral homes online, read reviews, and let your family member know what you learned so they can take things from there.

Learn Advantages Of Various Services

Even if your loved one knows they want to make plans in advance, they may not know what those plans should be just yet and that’s okay. You can do a little research on the advantages of cremation services and the benefits of funeral and burial services. Once you have that knowledge, you can pass it along to the loved one making the decisions. Something you have found out might spark something in them and help them to go one direction over another with confidence.

Help Them With The Numbers

It would be smart of your loved one to look at their budget when they are making these plans. If they want to pay in advance, they certainly can do so. In those cases, the budget will make a big difference in the plans they make. Even if they are leaving the costs to loved ones to cover later, they may not want to plan something that is going to cost those people a bunch of money. If you are good with numbers, help your loved one set a budget and be with them along the way to keep things in that parameter.

Go Along On Funeral Home Visits

funeral homes in Urbandale, IA

If your loved one wants to visit some of the funeral home professionals to find out more about their services, you can go along with them and help them to get the answers they need. Being a second set of eyes and ears can help you to point things out to your loved one later if they don’t remember the details.

One of the nicest things you can do for your loved one as they plan is simply support them along the way. When they make decisions with funeral homes in Urbandale, IA, let them know you appreciate what they are planning. Ask them what else you can do to help and work with Iles Funeral Home to give them everything they need to make these plans.

The Needs That Go Along With Cremation Services

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

One of the things that you will be concerned with the most when a loved one passes on is their needs. They can no longer care for themselves and you want to ensure that their needs are met. If you choose cremation services in Urbandale, IA, here are the things your loved one is going to need as a part of the process.

Transportation To The Cremation Facility

Once you learn that your loved one has died, you are going to have to contact a funeral home and ask for their help. The first thing they are going to need is transportation to the cremation facility. The professionals, once you hire them, will take care of that transport without any further involvement from you. They will contact the people holding your loved one, perhaps the hospital or nursing home, and coordinate things so you don’t have to worry about your loved one’s transport, or the care they will get in the meantime.

Interim Care

It can take you a little time to figure out what you want to do for your loved one. Even if you know what you want, you will have to get the paperwork in order, copies of the death certificate, and so on. While those things come together, your loved one is going to need care from professionals who know how to treat the deceased. When you hire a reputable funeral home, you know they are going to get what they need in the interim.

The Cremation Process

After you get the death certificate, sign the cremation consent forms, and prepare your family for what is going to happen, the cremation process can proceed. This is the biggest need your loved one has after their death—the need for a final disposition method. The process is honorable and respectful and can take place a few days after your loved one’s death. If you go with direct cremation, no services will take place before the cremation, but you can do something for them afterward if you want.

An Urn Of Some Kind

Once your loved one’s remains are cremated, they are going to need a container of some kind for their ashes. No matter what cremation package you choose for them, even if it’s simple and straightforward, it will come with a simple container for remains. You can also choose an urn of any kind if you so choose. The funeral home has options, but you can also look at outside vendors as options.

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

When you consider cremation services in Urbandale, IA for a loved one who has passed on, you know they have needs and those services will meet those needs, but you might wonder what the needs are. The professionals at Iles Funeral Home are here to help you understand and meet those needs so your loved one can get what they deserve. You want to honor your loved one and we will follow whatever plans you want to put into place for them in a respectful manner.

A Pre-Planning Guide For Cremation Services

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

Planning final services for a family member who needs those things right away and planning cremation services in Des Moines, IA for yourself are two different things. While you may have planned final services in the past, or perhaps you haven’t, planning things for yourself are different. It’s nice to have a guide in place so you can make the plans you need to make and have peace of mind that things are ready. Here are some steps to take:

-Choose The Cremation Provider

If cremation services are what you want, you will have to choose a cremation provider to work with you on those final plans. Since you have time on your side, you can research providers and that can help you to feel like you have the right fit when you decide to move forward. Look at their websites, read reviews, and make some calls to have confidence in what you choose.

-Look At Packages

Cremation providers are going to have cremation packages available for you to look over, and that can really help you with the initial decisions. These packages include everything you have to have for the process. Since they are all-inclusive, you can get a package and that’s all you need. Some packages are simple and basic while others have more to them. Think about what you need, and also what you want for your loved ones when that future becomes reality.

-Look Over Additional Options

After you choose a cremation package, you will want to look over and consider the other things that you can add onto that package, if you choose to do so. Think about adding an urn, for example, instead of the simple container the cremation provider will give your family. You can also plan a memorial service, dictate the final resting place, and anything else you want them to do for you when that time comes.

-Consider Pre-Payment

Those who like to plan their own final services ahead of time often also like to pay for those services at that time, and that can be a huge thing for your family as well. When you pass on, well into the future with any luck, your loved ones don’t have to make any plans. They also know just what you want and they don’t have to guess about it. They also don’t have to worry about paying for those plans because you have already done that as well. Paying now relieves them of that burden, but it also saves you money. You get to pay today’s prices and the services will never cost more, even if prices skyrocket in the future when you actually use the plans.

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

-Inform Your Family

As you make plans for your own cremation services in Des Moines, IA, or once the plans are in place, you might want to let your family in on what you are planning. They need to know that Iles Funeral Home holds the plans. And knowing what your plans are can help them to prepare for the future as well.

Tips For Bringing Children To Funeral Home Services

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

When you hear a certain person in your life has passed on, you might automatically want to attend the services the family is going to have at funeral homes in Des Moines, IA. However, if you have a child, or even children, things are more complicated. Actually, everything in your life is more complicated. Here are some tips to help you handle the circumstances in a way that will work for everyone.

Tip 1: Take Children Who Can Stay Quiet And Still

Before you get into taking your child with you to the funeral home, you will want to think about how your child will handle the situation. Funerals are generally somber and straightforward. You know your child will need to be quiet and sit still. How will they handle that? If you feel like your child is used to those situations, (perhaps you attend regular church services) then they would behave well and you are confident they could handle it. On the other hand, if your child is always on the go, you might want to avoid taking them to the service so they don’t disturb you or, worse yet, other people.

Tip 2: Prepare Your Kids For The Services

If you decide that your child can handle the services, you will want to prepare them for what is going to happen so they know what to expect. Many children, and even adults, have a fear of the unknown. They will likely handle the services better if they know what is going to happen. Let them know that they will see the person in their casket. That you will likely sing songs, hear readings, and hear someone speak about the person who died. That preparation can help them do well at the service itself.

Tip 3: Consider Entertainment

Even if your child is good at sitting still, they might eventually get bored and you don’t want them bothering you or those around you. Think about things you can bring along with you to entertain your child so they don’t start talking or fidgeting. Bring a coloring book and crayons or a picture book they can look through. You don’t, however, want to hand them your phone to play games on. That can be distracting to others and you never know when they might turn the volume on and make noise.

Tip 4: Sit In The Back

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

Even if you feel your child will do well, you can’t predict when they will have to go to the bathroom or something else might happen. It’s best to sit in the back so you can make a quick exit without disturbing others.

If you want to attend services for someone you know at funeral homes in Des Moines, IA, you will have to think about taking your child, and how you will pull that off. The professionals at Iles Funeral Home are here to help you through whatever situation you are in surrounding a friend’s death. Give us a call for advice any time.

Cremation Packages Include Everything

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

Even if your loved one didn’t make their own final service plans, you might know that they wanted cremation services in West Des Moines, IA. When they pass on, you can take those final wishes and make them become reality for that special person. You will need to find a cremation provider and go through the cremation packages they offer. One of the nice things about cremation is that even if you get the most basic package, it’s going to include everything you have to have for that loved one’s final service. You can, of course, add other things to that package and customize whatever you’d like. But having the package itself is all you have to have. Here are the things that it will include:


One of the immediate needs your loved one will have is for transportation from the place of their death to the cremation facilities. That takes special vehicles and professional care and the people you hire will take care of that through the cremation package you have chosen. That comes included with whatever you decide as they know it’s going to be necessary for any individual.

Planning Care

Even if you know what your loved one wanted, you’re going to need a little time to get those plans into place so you can ensure they are getting what they wanted. While you are making those plans, the cremation providers will care for your loved one with dignity and respect. You know they are in good hands, and you can have peace of mind over that fact.

The Cremation Itself

The biggest expense you will have as part of the package is for the cremation process itself. That’s the part of the process your loved one told you they wanted, and you want to ensure they get it. Once the paperwork is complete, they can proceed through the cremation process, which is covered in the package you chose.

A Simple Container Option

Some families like to choose an urn for their loved one and that’s perfectly acceptable, yet it’s nice to know that when you have a cremation package in place, your loved one will have a simple container that they can use for their remains after the cremation process. That simple container is no more than a cardboard box, but it will work fine as a container for remains and can allow you extra time to figure out what you want.

Everything Necessary

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

You might worry about getting your loved one’s needs met after their pass on, but when you choose a cremation package for them, you know that you are getting everything necessary for the process in one place. That makes it easy, straightforward, and simple. Once you have that cremation package, you can take all the time you need to investigate other options around cremation services in West Des Moines, IA, like a customized urn, a memorial service, or anything else you might want for that family member. The professionals at Iles Funeral Home are here to go over the packages with you and we can also go over other options with you.

Funeral Home Employees Can Help

funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA

When you contact one of the funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA, you know that you are getting help for a loved one who has passed on. They have needs that they cannot address themselves, but you can take care of those things for you with the help of the professionals you have chosen. There are a number of things the experts are going to help you with and if you need more than they offer upfront, just ask. Here are some of the things you know you will get as you traverse this difficult process.

A Free Consultation

The first thing you can get from the funeral home professionals is a free consultation that can help you to decide if you want to use those experts for your loved one’s final services or not. This consultation can take place over the phone or in person at the funeral home. If you want to meet with them in person, you can also take a tour of their facilities, which can help you decide what you want to do as well. That consultation allows you to get the information you need from those professionals to help you move forward.

Time To Decide

Whether you know what you want for your loved one right away or not, the funeral home professionals are going to give you the time and space you need to make those important decisions. They won’t pressure you into anything and they also won’t push you to decide anything before you are ready. You have the opportunity to ask them anything you need so you can make the right decisions at the right time.

Answer Questions

Whether you have organized final services yet or not, you are going to have questions that you need to have answered and that’s something you can get from funeral home professionals at any time. They want you to have the information you need to make the right decisions every step of the way. Ask questions over the phone, in person, or by email and that can help you to get what you need.

Setup For Services

After you decide what you want for the final services, the professionals can set the service room up for you and ensure that everything is in order. They want you to have time to grieve and be with your family on the day of the service and they don’t want you to have to worry about arriving early for any kind of set up.

Run Things Behind The Scenes

funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA

While the funeral or cremation service is taking place, you are going to want to know that things are being handled. If anything comes up, the funeral professionals are going to take care of things behind the scenes. You might not even know there was an issue since they are going to handle as much as they can for you.

The professionals at funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA want to handle as much as you want or need them to. Simple ask and they are there for you.

Talking Reasons Behind Your Cremation Plans

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

Thinking about the end of your life can be pretty hard, but if you have decided that cremation services in Urbandale, IA are what you want for yourself, then you can make those plans with a funeral and cremation provider at any time. However, either before or after you put plans into place, you might want to figure out how to talk to your family about your final wishes. While they should respect what you want, it is often nice to have reasons in place to go that direction so you can explain what you want—and why. Here are a few reasons you might like the idea of cremation.

It’s A Low-Cost Option

Funerals cost quite a bit and if you like the idea of saving money instead of spending it, cremation services might be the right choice for you. Many people that plan their services ahead of time also want to pay for those services so their family members don’t have to worry about the plans or the costs. You may only be able to afford cremation and that’s okay. Or, even if you can afford either, you might like the low-cost element so you can save money to give to your family in the future instead of spending it on a final service.

The Timeline Flexibility

Traditionally, people are used to having final services a few days within a person’s death. That is what has to happen with a funeral. However, if you decide to be directly cremated, you can take the timeline away on the rest of the process. You might ask your family to have a memorial service a month down the road, for example, so they can set a date and plan ahead, traveling where they need to be in order to be together. That flexibility can be a huge benefit to your family in the future.

Final Resting Place Options

Funerals end with a cemetery burial and there’s no way around that. If you like other ideas instead of a funeral and burial, there are other resting place options that can go along with cremation. You might choose cremation just because you don’t like the idea of burial. You can then look over the other options and choose something that makes you feel more comfortable.

Life Celebrations Are Nice

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

If you want people to celebrate your life instead of mourn your death, you might want to go with cremation so you have that option. Funerals are generally somber and sad, but memorial services can be whatever you want them to be. You can ask people to have a casual service that celebrates the good times they had with you instead of mourning the loss with something traditional and sad.

In the end, your wishes for cremation services in Urbandale, IA are what they are and with any luck, your family will be on board and will want to follow your desires. The professionals at Iles Funeral Home are here to help you set up the options in advance.

Which Funeral Home Is For You?

funeral homes in Urbandale, IA

If you have decided to plan out your own final services, there are plenty of things to think about. One of the first things you are going to consider is which one of the funeral homes in Urbandale, IA you are going to use to help you with the process. There are lots of options on the market and you want to think long and hard about which one is right for you. Since you are planning, you have time on your hands and that can help you to research, make calls, and visit the experts until you find just what you are looking for. Here are some items to look for in a funeral home that are right for you.

Fair, Affordable Prices

Any funeral home you consider should be completely open and honest about their prices. You deserve to know what they charge for things before you agree to using their services. They will hand over price lists whenever you ask and explain them to you in full. You need these prices so you can figure out who has fair, affordable prices and who is charging too much or too little.

A Good Location

You are going to want a funeral home with a convenient location. That means the funeral home is local, and perhaps located near the cemetery you want to use. It might be near restaurants and hotels so families can have a good home base for final services. Location convenience is subjective, and you need to figure out what works well for you and your family.

Services You Appreciate

If you know what you want for your final services, you are going to want to find a funeral home that offers those services. If you aren’t sure what you want yet, that’s okay, too, but you will want to find a funeral home with a long list of options so when you do decide what you want, they will likely have that as an option.

Compassion For Your Family

While you may not need compassion all that much right now since no one has passed away, you want funeral home professionals that are going to be compassionate to your family members. They are going to need that support when you pass on and they need to know that the people working on your services are treating you right through the way they treat the rest of your family.

funeral homes in Urbandale, IA

You don’t need professionals who will make plans for you, but rather funeral homes in Urbandale, IA that will support whatever you decide and implement those choices for you when the time comes. With time on your side, you can take as much time as you want to think through your decisions. Once you find the right funeral home to help you with the options, you can move forward with the choices from there. Contact Iles Funeral Home and ask any questions you have about the process so we can help you get what you need moving forward with your pre-plans.

Funerals Help With Grieving

funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA

There are a lot of things you can do to help yourself through the grieving process and funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA are there to aid you in those processes. Many families like to have final services for their loved ones, not only to address that person’s needs, but also for the family members who are left behind. Here are some of the things that funerals and other final services can do to help you with the grieving process.

Get Closure Over The Death

One thing you are going to have to have in order to move forward with a new sense of normal in your life is closure over your loved one’s death. You need to understand that they are gone and not coming back. That closure can come in a variety of ways, but one way you might get it is through a final service. When you see your loved one in their casket at the visitation or funeral, for instance, you might recognize the truth and gain access to that closure.

Say That Final Goodbye

It’s hard to let a loved one go unless you have said goodbye. Some people are able to say that goodbye before the person passes on, but that’s not always the case. If you need to say goodbye, you might get that chance at the funeral service. You can say goodbye to them in their casket, or even in your heart when you go through the motions of the service. Saying goodbye can help you to let go and move on with your own life.

Get Family Support

Funerals are a good time for family to gather. You might see people you haven’t in a long time and you can get the support you need from the people who care about you the most. While no one can replace your loved one, having family around you can help you to see what you still have going for you and who you still have loving you.

Find Comfort In Traditions

Funerals go through certain traditions and rituals. That can be comforting to you and other family members. You know what to expect. Perhaps you have gotten a certain level of comfort from funerals in the past and this time, you are looking for a similar piece of comfort. You are honoring your loved one in a nice way.

funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA

Have Funeral Home Support

The funeral home is going to be there for you every step of the way. They want you to be able to honor your loved one in whatever way you see fit. Their support can mean a lot to you in the planning process, but also as a part of the funeral service. You know they are there, behind the scenes, making sure everything is going to work well for your loved one and the rest of your family.

When you work with funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA, you are honoring your loved one and getting some grief support for you as well. Contact Iles Funeral Home for help.

Is Cremation The Right Option?

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

When you are trying to figure out what you want to do for a loved one, it’s good to know that there really are no wrong choices. Funerals and cremation services in West Des Moines, IA are completely honorable and respectful. While they are different in many ways, the one way they are completely equal is in their honorability. You really can’t go wrong, which ever you choose, but you still want to do what you feel is the best for your loved one. Here are a few ways to tell whether or not cremation is the right option for your situation.

It Fits The Budget

Cremation is going to cost less than a funeral service, hands down. The biggest reason for that is because there are far fewer products and services necessary for this type of method. You don’t have to have a casket, a cemetery plot, a headstone, embalming, and so on. You may more easily be able to afford cremation or, you might only be able to afford cremation. If cremation fits the budget, there’s no reason not to choose it. It’s okay to choose to go that direction because of your budget parameters.

The Options Are Varied

You have likely attended a funeral in the past and you know what kind of services those require. But cremation services are different and you can do a variety of things with them. Once the cremation process is complete, you can do whatever you want for the memorial service—and at any time as well. The options are varied and that might help you to choose cremation because you want to do something different for your loved one than you would with a funeral.

The Timeline Needs Adjusting

You have to have everything ready for a funeral within a few days time after your loved one passes on. But if you go with cremation, you can get the cremation finished and then, do whatever you want in terms of the timeline. If you want more time for family to travel before the memorial service or you’d like some time yourself to process things before you jump into plans, having cremation is a good answer.

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

The Final Resting Place Can Be Anywhere

Burying a loved one in a cemetery is a nice way to go, but if you want something else for them, perhaps something that feels more special and unique, you can go that direction with a cremation service. You are opening the door to an ash scattering in a variety of locations. You can keep your loved one in your home or do any number of other things for them.

When you are thinking about going with cremation services in West Des Moines, IA, the professionals at Iles Funeral Home are here to answer your questions in full. We want you to be comfortable with whatever you end up choosing. We will support your choices and implement whatever you’d like to plan to honor your loved one.