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Questions About Cremation Services

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

When you have to choose a final service option for your loved one, the two main options are funerals and cremation services in Des Moines, IA. If you want to find out the details about cremation before you decide, and you should, the providers are there to help you with the answers. Don’t ever feel afraid about asking questions. You want to figure out what’s best for your family and you need information to do that. Here are a few things to ask and consider as you move forward with the decision-making process.

What Are The Service Options?

With cremation, you probably know that your loved one’s remains would be turned from their form into an ash-like form. But there are a lot of options for services that go around that. You might, for example, have full cremation. You can have a funeral and visitation service first, then you can have the cremation done. Or, you can go with direct cremation, which has no final services beforehand. The cremation happens first and then, you can have any kind of service you want after that. There are almost endless options available for cremation services.

What Costs Are Involved?

Cremation services have much lower costs involved than a funeral home service. It’s nice to know that there are far fewer products and services necessary so the overall costs are going to be lower to begin with. Once you see the package prices, you can add whatever you want to those if your budget will allow for it.

What Do Packages Include?

Cremation packages include everything you have to have for a final service. They are basic, but they meet all of your loved one’s needs from start to finish. When you look at the packages, they are always going to include transportation so your loved one can be moved from the place of their death to the funeral home’s facilities. They will also include interim care, the cremation process, and help with paperwork. Finally, all packages will include a simple container for your loved one’s remains. While you can add anything you want to the cremation package, it’s nice to know that when you get the package, your loved one has what they need.

What Can Be Done With Remains?

Once you have the cremation done, there are lots of options for what you can do with their remains. You are able to bury them, scatter them, keep them, or do any number of other things. One thing that is nice about cremation is that there’s no timeline included. You can have the cremation done and do whatever you want with the remains at any time in the future. Some families do something right away and others wait until they have time to work through the options.

What Urn Options Are There?

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

While cremation packages include simple containers, these are little more than a cardboard box. You can get an urn for your loved one instead, if you choose to do so. Cremation services in Des Moines, IA allow for a variety of options.

What To Look For In Funeral Home Tours

funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA

When you need to have one of the funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA care for a loved one who has passed on, you want to know that funeral home is up to the task. You will likely start out by looking at their website and perhaps look at outside reviews on them, too. You can get recommendations, make phone calls, and go the extra mile to ensure they have the experience and services you need and want. As you rule certain companies out, you will want to visit some of the last options on your list. As you go on those funeral home tours, here are a few things you are going to want to look for in the company you choose.

The Location In The Area

The easiest thing to take note of about the funeral home is their location. You can find out where they are located by looking at a map, but when you actually go to the facilities, you can see what’s around the funeral home. How close are they to the cemetery you might use? Are there restaurants around that can work for a reception? What hotels could accommodate family? Is the parking ample for your needs? Those things will be clear when you visit the funeral home.

The Room Sizes

As you tour the funeral home, you will want to take note of the rooms they have available, especially if you want to have a service at the funeral home. You will want to check the room sizes and see if they can accommodate your family members. If you want a smaller service, you’ll want something intimate that won’t be overwhelming and see empty. IF you are opening the services to the public, it’s nice to have size options in case a lot of people show up. You want there to be options for the set up as well.

The Cleanliness/Organization

Any area you see of the funeral home should be clean and well organized. That will show you that the funeral director pays attention to detail and is ready to move forward with the services you need for your loved one. You want there to be clean rooms that you feel are inviting for your family members. Organization is also important. There shouldn’t be a bunch of folders and papers strewn about the funeral director’s desk. You want things to be in order so you know they are ready to care for your loved one’s needs along with anything else they have going on.

Staff Treatment

funeral homes in West Des Moines, IA

You will meet the funeral director, but you may also run into other staff members as you tour the funeral home in West Des Moines, IA. They way the treat you will mirror how they will treat your family. You want compassionate treatment and complete support whenever you talk to them. You need to feel comfortable with the staff so you can talk to them and get what you need for the services.

Planning Unique Funeral Home Services

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

Services that the funeral homes in Des Moines, IA hold for people who have passed on might feel rather traditional and ceremonial to you. There’s nothing wrong with that. Those ceremonies can give you something to look forward to and it can help you to feel as if you know what to expect from them. But you might want to add things to the traditions so you are giving your loved one something unique and special at the same time. Here are some of the things you can do as you plan the funeral home services.

Choose The Location

If you are having a traditional funeral, the locations are rather limited, but there are still options. Many people have the funeral in the funeral home because of the convenience and the good location it offers. But you can also have the service at a local church, if your family attends somewhere that would be special to your loved one. The location alone can help you to make the funeral feel more unique.

Decorate As Needed

You are completely welcome to decorate certain locations to make it more of something your loved one would appreciate. Many people use flowers as decorations and the flowers you choose can set the style and tone of the service. You can also decorate with their belongings, pictures, or anything else you want to make it a unique place to have the service.

Pick Nice Music And Readings

The music and readings you have at the service will help you to make things feel unique and memorable for your loved one. The music might be something on the traditional side or it might be something from pop culture that your loved one enjoyed. You can choose readings, like scriptures, poems, old stories your loved one wrote, and so on. The person who reads it can also make the event more unique. Even if you do a lot of traditional things, the readings and music you have available at the service can make it stand out.

Have Someone Speak

It’s completely up to you who you have speak at the funeral and that person can help you to make things unique and special. You can have the pastor of your church speak, a celebrant you hire for the funeral home service, a family member, or even a friend. You want to choose someone you know will do a good job and that choice will make a huge difference in the outcome of the service.

Use Videos/Pictures

Videos and pictures are going to cement the fact that your loved one is who you are honoring at this service. Even if you do the same things that you did for someone else, having pictures and videos of your loved one will be a reminder that you are there for that person and it helps to make the service memorable.

Enjoy The Reception Details

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

You can also make the reception on the unique side so after you visit funeral homes in Des Moines, IA for your loved one, you can have a meal for your loved one with your family.

Benefits Of Ash Scattering

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

If you decide on cremation services in West Des Moines, IA for a loved one, there are many things you can do for them once that method is completed. You can have a memorial service at any time, for example, and you can do a number of different things with their ashes. Ash scattering services are very popular today and they come with a lot of benefits. Before you make any decisions, here are some reasons to consider this option.

Give Your Loved One A Special Resting Place

Any resting place you choose for your loved one is going to feel like a special place because they are there. If you want to lay them to rest somewhere outside the cemetery, having an ash scattering somewhere, like their favorite park, family ground, or other such locations, can really make those spots feel special. Any time you visit that place in the future, you are going to think of them and that can be very valuable to you.

Prevent Family From Keeping The Remains

While family members can keep the remains of your loved one for as long as they want, it can be a responsibility as well. Perhaps several family members want to keep them. You can split them into several urns and that can help. But you might not want them to be in several locations, but rather in one. Or, you might be worried that their urn will be disturbed in a family home. You would try to keep them safe, but you just never know. Scattering the ashes will help you to prevent anything from happening to them in your home and it might help to keep them together in one location.

Give Family A Place To Visit

Scattering is different than burial and your loved one isn’t really in that place any longer. But when you choose a special location for the scattering, it’s always going to be a special spot for you and other family members. When you want to think of your loved one, that’s where you will go. You might even have a memorial there in the future to think of them again.

Save Money On The Resting Place

Cemetery burials are going to cost, while not as much as a funeral, they will still cost more than other options. Keeping your loved one at home means getting a nice urn. When you scatter ashes, you can use the simple container the provider gives you and not have any other costs associated with the process. That can be a nice way to suit your budget.

When you are trying to figure out what you want to do for your loved one, first concentrate on their immediate needs. Ensure that they get the cremation services in West Des Moines, IA they have to have and then, you can worry about the other options later. You might have a memorial service, for example, or you could have an ash scattering—or both. There’s no timeline on those decisions and you can make them when you are ready.

Concerns Some Have About Cremation Services

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

If you have to make decisions for a loved one who has passed on, or if you are trying to figure out what you want to do for yourself in the future, it’s smart to consider cremation services in Urbandale, IA as well as funeral home options. If you have any concerns about cremation, or you know people in your family who do, ask questions and get to the bottom of those concerns so you can get everything worked out and move forward from there. Here are a few concerns some people have.

Can You Have A Funeral First?

Some people believe that you can either have a funeral or a cremation, but not both. That’s not the case at all. Cremation services allow you to do whatever you want. You can have a full funeral and visitation service first and then follow those up with cremation services. Or, you can have cremation in a direct manner and after that, you can have a memorial service that feels like a funeral with many of the same traditions in place. Cremation allows you the freedom to do whatever you want on any timeline you want to do it on.

What Are Memorials Like?

If you feel like direct cremation might be a good option for your situation, you may want to know more about memorial services. What are they like? The truth is, they are whatever you make of them. If you want to do something traditional in a funeral home or church, you can. If you want to do something casual like a picnic in a park, you can. If you want to celebrate your loved one’s life, you can. Do whatever feels best for your loved one’s personality and the rest of your family.

Is Your Religion Okay With it?

This has been a hurdle over the years, but most major religions are now completely fine with cremation services. Some even promote the option as their method of choice. There are a few hold outs, so if you want to be absolutely sure, you should talk to your faith leaders and go ahead from there. But cremation is an honorable option and is accepted by most religions.

How Much Will It Cost?

Cremation services are going to cost less than the other methods. The more simple and straightforward you keep it, the less it will cost. It’s nice to know that any cremation package will include everything you need for the process. You can add whatever you want, but the package itself will cover the needs. These package prices will give you a good idea as to what things are going to cost.

What Can You Do With the Cremains?

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

Like memorial services, there’s no timeline on the final resting place process and cremation services in Urbandale, IA allow you to do whatever you want. You can keep the remains, bury them in a cemetery, bury them in a garden at home, scatter them, or do a variety of any other things.

How To Reduce Stress Around Funeral Home Plans

funeral homes in Urbandale, IA

There’s likely going to be some stress around planning final services for a loved one with funeral homes in Urbandale, IA. There’s no way around that. But when you start to feel like the stress is too large for you to handle, you are going to need to reduce the overwhelming emotions. Here are some of the ways you can relieve yourself from some of the burdens so you can get through this hard time.

Let Others Help

You have a lot on your shoulders, but that doesn’t mean you have to plan every detail, even if you are the person who is ultimately in charge of things. When other family members offer to chip in and help, let them. If someone offers to host and organize the reception, thank them and let them step in. If a family member asks what you need from the store, give them a list. Take people up on their offers to help and if you don’t get enough offers, reach out and ask. People are willing to help you in these hard situations.

Allow Yourself To Rest

Your body is going through a trying time right now. Grieving is emotional, but also a physical thing. You are going to want to rest whenever you feel the need so you have the energy you need to get through the plans. You may not be sleeping that well overnight, which is normal, so when you feel tired during the day, let yourself take a break from the plans, from family, and from everything else and nap on the couch.

Take Things One At A Time

There are a lot of details that get wrapped up into the funeral home planning process. When you look at the list of things you need to decide and get through, it can be a lot. Try not to stress over the many things you need to do and instead, tell the funeral director to give you one thing at a time. First, they might ask you to decide on a casket for your loved one. Then, they might have you pick out a cemetery plot and so on. Taking one decision at a time can help you to de-stress by looking at just what’s in front of you and not the large picture at hand.

Grieve When You Need To

funeral homes in Urbandale, IA

Grieving is something that is quite natural and you are going to want to allow it to happen whenever it needs to. If you feel the need to cry, take a break from your planning and do so. Have a family member come over and give you a shoulder to cry on. Allow yourself those moments to vent your emotions because it really can help you to relieve stress.

Listen To Expert Advice

The professionals at funeral homes in Urbandale, IA are there to help you through the planning process and that includes giving you advice. Their advice can really help you to put stress into perspective.

Affordable Memorials After Cremation Services

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

Once a loved one goes through cremation services in Des Moines, IA, you might have a memorial service for them and you may even gather with family to lay them to rest in a nice location through scattering, burial, or another avenue. But there are things you can do yourself to memorialize your loved one in an affordable manner. Here are some of the things you can consider doing.

A Music Playlist

If your loved one may have had certain musical tastes and you want to remember their eclectic style. Make a playlist you know they would be proud of and when you want to think of them, play that in the background of your day. You can play it when you look at pictures of them, when you are reading, or any other time you feel the need to do so.

Planting A Garden Or Tree

If your loved one had a green thumb, it can make sense to plan things for them and think of them while they grow and you care for those items. Planting a tree in your yard can be especially moving as that is something that will get huge and be around for a long time. You can also plant a garden with flowers, vegetables they enjoyed or liked to grow themselves, and other such things. It doesn’t have to cost much to have your own memorial right there in your yard.

A Scrapbook

You likely have a lot of pictures of your loved one and you might want to organize them in a manner that gives you something to look over when you want to think about your loved one. You can put them into a scrapbook, for example, and decorate around them. You can add movie stubs, quotes, or anything else around the pictures and make it something that is special and just for you.

Repurposes Belongings

You may have ended up with some of your loved one’s belongings, and they are going to be very special to you. But are you really going to wear their old concert t-shirts? Probably not. Have a quilt made out of them instead so you can have them out, enjoy them, and even use the blanket as something to keep yourself warm. It can feel like a hug from your loved one when you use it. There are lots of other things you can use in different ways as memorials for your loved one.

Cremation Jewelry

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

Something special you might appreciate is a piece of cremation jewelry. You can place a little bit of your loved one’s ashes inside this piece and wear your loved one close to your heart. You can also store it in your house, perhaps on display in a place of honor, when you aren’t wearing it.

If you are trying to figure out how to memorialize your loved one after their cremation services in Des Moines, IA, there are plenty of affordable things you can do. Talk to the cremation providers and get more details.

Funeral Directors—General Characteristics

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

There are some people that fit naturally into the role of a funeral director. While you may not be able to imagine doing that job yourself, there are individuals who feel called into the industry and couldn’t imagine working anywhere other than in funeral homes in Des Moines, IA. As is true in most industries, some people are better at their jobs as funeral directors than others. When you are searching for professionals, here are some of the things you are going to want in your funeral directors.


Every funeral director should be very good at showing compassion. Most of them come by this ability naturally and they all get a lot of practice at it, which makes them even better at giving you what you need moving forward. You should feel the compassion from the funeral director right away and every step of the process. If you don’t feel it, that might not be the right funeral home for you.


Funeral directors are there to ensure you get what you need, and that your loved one who has passed on does as well. They are not, however, there to make decisions for you. They will support whatever you decide and when you have questions, they will support you with the information you need to make the right decisions for your family. They will also support you with implementation, compassion, ideas, and everything else you need to gather the right options for this event.


You want the funeral director to be dedicated to their job, not someone who is searching for something different to do. You should feel their dedication in the ideas they offer, the time they are willing to spend with you, and how they seem to want everything to be just right as badly as you do.


Funeral directors sometimes work odd hours. They need to be available to you any time of the day or night because people aren’t going to pass away just during business hours when it’s convenient. You want your funeral director to be accessible and willing to work as long and as hard as they need to in order to take care of the needs you have before you.


You may know what you want for some of your loved one’s final services, but for other areas, you may not have any ideas. Funeral directors are often creative individuals who are there to help you with ideas and options so you can figure out just what direction you want to take for your family.

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

If you are trying to figure out what funeral home you are going to use for your loved one’s final services, you will want to look especially carefully at the funeral director. You want certain characteristics in that individual because they are going to be a point person in this process. There are lots of things you will want in funeral homes in Des Moines, IA you use for something as important as final services, including a funeral director with just the right personality and style.

What Affects The Cremation?

cremation in Urbandale, IA

Various things will affect the cremation in Urbandale, IA and how much it will cost you to complete the procedure. Because multiple factors affect cremation, you’ll find that it can be difficult to learn why the cost is what it is. As such, we have some information that you should look at before deciding if cremation is the right move for you.

You Cannot Have Any Medical Devices

Medical devices and cremation won’t mix, and you can’t have any if you decide to cremate yourself or others. For instance, you can’t have any hearing aids or pacemakers. These won’t work with the procedure, and the pacemaker can explode. Before you have your loved one cremated, this is something that you will have to consider seriously.

Body Weight Affects The Cost

You should know that there is no weight limit for cremation, but your weight will play a part. Many people don’t consider this fair, but body weight will play a factor in determining costs. The heavy bodies are more complicated than the cremation process, affecting how much you need to pay. In addition, there are other regulations that you’ll have to be aware of.

How You Wish The Cremation To Go

Another factor you’ll need to consider is how you want to be cremated. You can choose fire or water, and this is what most people don’t know. Liquid cremation and eco-friendly cremation are two new factors that come into play. Liquid cremation involves the use of water at a specific temperature and pressure. In contrast, a green cremation will employ potassium hydroxide to help the body decompose in the most natural way possible.

The Timing Is Mostly The Same

The timing for cremation is similar as well. No matter what you’re dealing with, cremation should only take a few hours. Because that’s the case, you’ll find it doesn’t take as long as you think to have your loved one cremated. In addition, you’ll find that the home will ensure that they are placed in a lovely urn of your choosing. Many people love that you can utilize multiple colors and designs to honor your loved one’s unique personality and what they liked when they were alive.

What Do You Want To Have Done?

Another factor that will affect cremation is the services that you want to be done. If you intend on having a viewing, memorial service, and full-service funeral, you’ll find that the costs add up quickly, and you might end up paying far more than you thought you would. Other services that can add to this process are flowers, decorations, and other things of that nature.

Cremation Is A Good Choice

cremation in Urbandale, IA

Cremation Urbandale, IA is viable for you and your loved ones if you want something quicker and easier. In addition to this, the cremation will go smoothly, and you’ll have no issues for your family. This creates a gentler funeral plan for your family, and the urn can be taken home immediately so the grieving process can begin.

Things About Cremation That You Don’t Know

Cremation in West Des Moines, IA

Cremation in West Des Moines, IA is something that has been around for thousands of years. Many people think they know everything about cremation when they don’t. However, we can show you a variety of facts about this process that you don’t know. This can make your decision on whether or not to cremate much easier.

You Have Multiple Options For The Remains

When you begin thinking of what you can do with the remains, you can have various options. You can place them in an urn that looks like an instrument or other items. You could also turn your loved one’s ashes into jewelry, or you can identify their ashes inside a stone.

Pet Cremations Happen Too, And Frequently

It may be a simple idea, but people cremate pets as well. It is a popular means of disposing of a pet’s body, and like human remains, you can turn them into diamonds or keep the urn with you no matter where you go. This is a lovely way to honor your pet because they’re also precious to you and deserve that recognition.

The Legend Is True When You Visit

If you travel to the happiest place on Earth and chances are you will, you’ll realize that the legend about scattering ashes is true. If you hear someone say HEPA cleanup, that means someone scattered ashes, and someone will go clean it. Studies found that a particular haunted ride is the most significant area for depositing remains. You should never attempt to do this. They don’t like it, it’s forbidden, and you can get permanently banned.

Celebrities Have Given Us Unique Ideas

Celebrities have done exciting things with their remains or the remains of their loved ones. For instance, some journalists had their cremated ashes blasting into the sky and then had a firework show with the remains. Another celebrity decided that they would send their loved one’s ashes into the ocean or space. These ideas are innovative and fun while creating great ideas for how to honor your loved ones.

Only One Body Gets Processed At A Time

Only one body will get processed at one time. The machine used to cremate bodies can only fit one body simultaneously. People believe that they can do more, but machines can’t handle anything beyond one body. The device can also burn one body simultaneously that it would take you to watch a long movie. The remains will weigh about the same as a bowling ball at the end of the process.

The Cremation Process Is Simple

Cremation in West Des Moines, IA

The cremation in West Des Moines, IA process is simple, and most people find it a viable way to dispose of your loved one’s remains. As such, you will find that almost every country in the world employs this as a way to honor the dead. Because of these options, you’ll see that governments across the globe use this method almost exclusively at over ninety-five percent. If you join them in this decision, you’ll give your loved one a good funeral plan.