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The Reception After The Funeral Home Service

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

If you have decided that you want to have a traditional service with funeral homes in Des Moines, IA, for your loved one, you may then want to have a reception after the funeral is complete. The reception is a more casual time that allows your family to eat, catch up, mourn together, and just spend extra time as a unit. You are all people who lost someone special and banding together during that time can be really helpful. Here are some details to help you pull everything together in time for the funeral.

Let Someone Else Do It

As you move through the plans for the final service, a friend, community member, church group, or someone else might step up and offer to host the reception for you. That’s a very nice offer and can take something big off your plate. You can tell them what you want included or just let them take care of things and appreciate whatever they end up doing.

Book A Restaurant

If you are having just a small group for the reception, you might want to book a private room in a restaurant your loved one liked. You don’t have to worry about food or everyone getting what they want. Everyone can order what they want in a private setting where you can be together, share memories, and spend time with one another.

Bring Pictures Along

It can be nice to pass around a photo album of your family that include your loved one. People can look through the books and remember some of the good times all of you had together. It might also bring up stories and memories that can be fun to share when you are in a setting that is less formal than the funeral service itself might have been.

Consider Their Music

If you are able to play music in the background, choose a playlist your loved one would have enjoyed. If they listened to nothing but country, playing that type of music will bring them to mind and help everyone remember them as you commiserate after the services and enjoy each other’s company for longer.

Gather Food Options

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

You could also approach the reception as more of a potluck and have certain people bring favorites your loved one adored. Someone might cook a casserole they loved and someone else could bring their favorite dessert. Having some of their items at the table along with the people who loved them can feel very special.

You are going to want to customize and personalize the services you have at funeral homes in Des Moines, IA for your loved one and that is also true for what you do for the reception after the services. If you have questions about the types of things that people usually do, or you want ideas for more unique things, the professionals at Iles Funeral Home can help. We know the area well and can give you options for restaurant and other venues that are good for receptions after funerals.