Details On Biodegradable Urns For Cremated Remains Posted on February 27, 2023 by ilesfuneralhomes Once you decide on cremation services in Des Moines, IA for a loved one, you will need to figure out what you will do with their remains. There’s no timeline on their final resting place, but you are going to want to decide what kind of container you will use for their remains in the meantime. You could take the simple container that the provider will give you as a part of any package, for example. Or, you can get an urn of your choosing. One of the urn options is a biodegradable urn. Here are some details on that option. What Are Biodegradable Urns? Biodegradable urns are urns that break down naturally, either in the earth, in the water, or both. You can utilize these urns if you want your loved one to have an eco-friendly service. They are gentle and friendly to the environment no matter what you do with them. They also cost less, so you can save on the budget in that area as well. When Can They Be Used? Biodegradable urns have certain functions and there are times when you might want one, and times when you might not. For example, if you are going to keep your loved one in your home, a biodegradable urn is not going to be ideal. These urns break down and they would not be a good idea for a long-term placement in your home. On the other hand, if you are going to bury your loved one, either in the cemetery or in a home garden or another location, a biodegradable urn is a great fit. It will break down under the earth in a natural way. You can also utilize one of these natural urns if you go for a water burial. You can cast the urn into the water and it will sink and break down, again, in a natural manner, dissipating your loved one’s remains into the water. Where Can You Find Them? Most cremation providers have one or more biodegradable urns on the market. You can ask them about that option and for what reasons you might use such an urn. You can also buy an urn from any other vendor, if you so choose to do so. Perhaps you want an urn that has seeds in it that you can plant in your garden. You might be able to get certain seed urns from another vendor and the funeral home and cremation provider will use it without question. They simply want you to get what you want to honor your loved one, no matter what that might end up being. When you are looking into biodegradable urns, there are plentiful options. You will want to look into the materials and consider the purposes you have for the urn. You will also want to think about what you want for your loved one, and what they would have wanted. The professionals that help you with the cremation services in Des Moines, IA can help you with the urn as well.