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Concerns Some Have About Cremation Services

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

If you have to make decisions for a loved one who has passed on, or if you are trying to figure out what you want to do for yourself in the future, it’s smart to consider cremation services in Urbandale, IA as well as funeral home options. If you have any concerns about cremation, or you know people in your family who do, ask questions and get to the bottom of those concerns so you can get everything worked out and move forward from there. Here are a few concerns some people have.

Can You Have A Funeral First?

Some people believe that you can either have a funeral or a cremation, but not both. That’s not the case at all. Cremation services allow you to do whatever you want. You can have a full funeral and visitation service first and then follow those up with cremation services. Or, you can have cremation in a direct manner and after that, you can have a memorial service that feels like a funeral with many of the same traditions in place. Cremation allows you the freedom to do whatever you want on any timeline you want to do it on.

What Are Memorials Like?

If you feel like direct cremation might be a good option for your situation, you may want to know more about memorial services. What are they like? The truth is, they are whatever you make of them. If you want to do something traditional in a funeral home or church, you can. If you want to do something casual like a picnic in a park, you can. If you want to celebrate your loved one’s life, you can. Do whatever feels best for your loved one’s personality and the rest of your family.

Is Your Religion Okay With it?

This has been a hurdle over the years, but most major religions are now completely fine with cremation services. Some even promote the option as their method of choice. There are a few hold outs, so if you want to be absolutely sure, you should talk to your faith leaders and go ahead from there. But cremation is an honorable option and is accepted by most religions.

How Much Will It Cost?

Cremation services are going to cost less than the other methods. The more simple and straightforward you keep it, the less it will cost. It’s nice to know that any cremation package will include everything you need for the process. You can add whatever you want, but the package itself will cover the needs. These package prices will give you a good idea as to what things are going to cost.

What Can You Do With the Cremains?

cremation services in Urbandale, IA

Like memorial services, there’s no timeline on the final resting place process and cremation services in Urbandale, IA allow you to do whatever you want. You can keep the remains, bury them in a cemetery, bury them in a garden at home, scatter them, or do a variety of any other things.