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Memorials And Cremation Go Hand In Hand With Grief

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

When you think of cremation services in Des Moines, IA, you might think of something direct that happens soon after death. The person going through cremation doesn’t have any services before the cremation occurs. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have something after the cremation for a loved one who is going through the process. In fact, memorial services more often than not follow a cremation service at some point. There’s no timeline on the process, but it can help to have a memorial process in order to move forward with grief. Here are a few reasons why.

Get And Give Closure

You and the rest of your family members are going to need closure in order to move forward with the grieving process. You might get that closure, and allow your family members to get it as well, through the memorial service process. You can recognize that your loved one is gone and is not coming back. That can be huge in moving your grief forward.

Saying Goodbye

Many people feel the need to say goodbye in order to move on with their life and to get past the initial grieving process. Saying those words out loud might help. Other people can say them in their heart as a part of the memorial service process. That service can allow you and your family to get that final goodbye in as you move into a new normal for your life.

Access Family Support

Your family might not come together very often, but when someone passes on, they will gather together in order to honor that person if you have a memorial service. You get the support you need from your family and from other friends. They also get what they need from you. Gathering your family together can mean a lot to you during this hard time. Your loved one is missing, but you still have a lot of people there who care about you.

Send Your Loved One Off With Honor

One reason some families go through the memorial service process is simply to give their loved one a nice send-off. You might feel like you want your loved one to get a certain level of honor at the end of their life, and that’s a nice reason to go forward with a memorial service. You can even have a life celebration, which can help you to go over the good times and celebrate a life well-lived. The memorial service can be all about your loved one and giving them the respect they deserve during this final time of their life.

cremation services in Des Moines, IA

When you have cremation services in Des Moines, IA for a loved one who passed on, a memorial service may follow shortly after or sometime in the future. While you don’t have to have a memorial in order to have a cremation, those two things often go hand in hand to help your family grieve in the proper manner and to honor your loved one.