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Tips For Bringing Children To Funeral Home Services

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

When you hear a certain person in your life has passed on, you might automatically want to attend the services the family is going to have at funeral homes in Des Moines, IA. However, if you have a child, or even children, things are more complicated. Actually, everything in your life is more complicated. Here are some tips to help you handle the circumstances in a way that will work for everyone.

Tip 1: Take Children Who Can Stay Quiet And Still

Before you get into taking your child with you to the funeral home, you will want to think about how your child will handle the situation. Funerals are generally somber and straightforward. You know your child will need to be quiet and sit still. How will they handle that? If you feel like your child is used to those situations, (perhaps you attend regular church services) then they would behave well and you are confident they could handle it. On the other hand, if your child is always on the go, you might want to avoid taking them to the service so they don’t disturb you or, worse yet, other people.

Tip 2: Prepare Your Kids For The Services

If you decide that your child can handle the services, you will want to prepare them for what is going to happen so they know what to expect. Many children, and even adults, have a fear of the unknown. They will likely handle the services better if they know what is going to happen. Let them know that they will see the person in their casket. That you will likely sing songs, hear readings, and hear someone speak about the person who died. That preparation can help them do well at the service itself.

Tip 3: Consider Entertainment

Even if your child is good at sitting still, they might eventually get bored and you don’t want them bothering you or those around you. Think about things you can bring along with you to entertain your child so they don’t start talking or fidgeting. Bring a coloring book and crayons or a picture book they can look through. You don’t, however, want to hand them your phone to play games on. That can be distracting to others and you never know when they might turn the volume on and make noise.

Tip 4: Sit In The Back

funeral homes in Des Moines, IA

Even if you feel your child will do well, you can’t predict when they will have to go to the bathroom or something else might happen. It’s best to sit in the back so you can make a quick exit without disturbing others.

If you want to attend services for someone you know at funeral homes in Des Moines, IA, you will have to think about taking your child, and how you will pull that off. The professionals at Iles Funeral Home are here to help you through whatever situation you are in surrounding a friend’s death. Give us a call for advice any time.