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Is Cremation The Right Option?

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

When you are trying to figure out what you want to do for a loved one, it’s good to know that there really are no wrong choices. Funerals and cremation services in West Des Moines, IA are completely honorable and respectful. While they are different in many ways, the one way they are completely equal is in their honorability. You really can’t go wrong, which ever you choose, but you still want to do what you feel is the best for your loved one. Here are a few ways to tell whether or not cremation is the right option for your situation.

It Fits The Budget

Cremation is going to cost less than a funeral service, hands down. The biggest reason for that is because there are far fewer products and services necessary for this type of method. You don’t have to have a casket, a cemetery plot, a headstone, embalming, and so on. You may more easily be able to afford cremation or, you might only be able to afford cremation. If cremation fits the budget, there’s no reason not to choose it. It’s okay to choose to go that direction because of your budget parameters.

The Options Are Varied

You have likely attended a funeral in the past and you know what kind of services those require. But cremation services are different and you can do a variety of things with them. Once the cremation process is complete, you can do whatever you want for the memorial service—and at any time as well. The options are varied and that might help you to choose cremation because you want to do something different for your loved one than you would with a funeral.

The Timeline Needs Adjusting

You have to have everything ready for a funeral within a few days time after your loved one passes on. But if you go with cremation, you can get the cremation finished and then, do whatever you want in terms of the timeline. If you want more time for family to travel before the memorial service or you’d like some time yourself to process things before you jump into plans, having cremation is a good answer.

cremation services in West Des Moines, IA

The Final Resting Place Can Be Anywhere

Burying a loved one in a cemetery is a nice way to go, but if you want something else for them, perhaps something that feels more special and unique, you can go that direction with a cremation service. You are opening the door to an ash scattering in a variety of locations. You can keep your loved one in your home or do any number of other things for them.

When you are thinking about going with cremation services in West Des Moines, IA, the professionals at Iles Funeral Home are here to answer your questions in full. We want you to be comfortable with whatever you end up choosing. We will support your choices and implement whatever you’d like to plan to honor your loved one.